34 L.Ukrainki Blvd., 2nd entrance, 6th floor
Kyiv, Ukraine, 01133

Target groups of researches:

  •   population of Ukraine
  •   citizens of the territories that are not controlled by Ukrainian government and the territories affected by the war, IDPs, ATO veterans
  •   vulnerable and/hard-to-reach groups (labour migrants, disabled people, Roma and other ethnic minorities, LGBTI persons, commercial sex workers, drug users, PLWH, homeless, prisoners, orphans, stateless persons, and others)
  •   elite, affluent segments, consumers of various goods and services, foreigners
  •   experts
  •   employees of organizations and enterprises, representatives of various professions

Info Sapiens Omnibus

Info Sapiens Omnibus is a monthly nationally representative survey, conducted on demand of several clients using a method of face-to-face interview at a respondent’s home. Each Client receives the answers to their own questions and additionally the answers to the questions from the block of socio-demographic characteristics of a respondent. Omnibus sample size is 1,000 interviews. This is the cheapest type of survey for a small number of questions.

Phone survey (CATI)

Phone survey (CATI) with calls to mobile phones – if an interview takes up to 20 minutes, this is the method that allows you to collect data fast (even in a few days), qualitatively (all interviews are recorded, and falsifications or missing questions are excluded by 100%) and inexpensively compared to face-to-face interviews. According to the Info Sapiens Omnibus, 92% of the population of Ukraine are using mobile communication, which allows building a nationally representative sample. Info Sapiens has its own CATI studio for conducting phone interviews with 70 workplaces, where 120 interviewers work.

Online survey

Online survey – according to the Info Sapiens Omnibus, 90% of Ukraine's population use the Internet, which allows building a representative sample covers both urban and rural dwellers of all ages. Info Sapiens has an online panel for 100,000 respondents.

Face-to-face survey

The survey using face-to-face interviews – Info Sapiens has a national network of interviewers and supervisors (about 800 people); we conduct about 16,000 face-to-face interviews each month. The interviews with a use of a tablet increase the quality of data collection (Info Sapiens has 140 tablets for conducting face-to-face interviews).

Qualitative research methods

Qualitative research methods – on average Info Sapiens conducts about 40 focus group discussions (FGD) and 60 in-depth interviews (IDI) each month. We also have experience in conducting observations and ethnographic studies.

Desk researches

Info Sapiens researchers have experience in conducting desk researches and data triangulation in various areas.

Training sessions

Info Sapiens Research Expert and lecturer of NaUKMA Tetiana Kostiuchenko holds training sessions on conducting surveys, research tenders, and data analysis. Tetiana held training sessions for different NGOs, international and scientific organizations, particularly, after the work start at Info Sapiens she held the training for UCU Charity Funds Management Program.

Data processing services

Data processing services – Info Sapiens offers data processing services to other research agencies.

We will be glad to answer all your questions.

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